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TRX Investment Packages

The higher the level, the greater the rewards. All VIP level packages reflect daily earnings over a period of 90 days.

TRX Investment Packages VIP Package Price (TRX) Daily Profit (TRX) Total Return (TRX)
VIP 1 TRX 200 20 TRX 1800 TRX
VIP 2 TRX 380 70 TRX 6300 TRX
VIP 3 TRX 980 190 TRX 17100 TRX
VIP 4 TRX 1680 330 TRX 29700 TRX
VIP 5 TRX 3440 680 TRX 61200 TRX
VIP 6 TRX 8440 1680 TRX 151200 TRX
VIP 7 TRX 14440 2880 TRX 259200 TRX
VIP 8 TRX 34440 6880 TRX 619200 TRX
VIP 9 TRX 68880 13770 TRX 1239300 TRX
VIP 10 TRX 98880 19770 TRX 1779300 TRX
VIP 11 TRX 148880 26798 TRX 2411820 TRX
VIP 12 TRX 199990 37880 TRX 3409200 TRX

TRX Investment Example #1

Initial Investment Amount: TRX 200

Daily Profit:20 TRX

Investment Duration:90 Days

Daily Earnings Calculation:Daily Profit * Number of Days = Total Earnings

Total Earnings:20 TRX * 90 Days = 1800 TRX

Total Return:TRX 200 (Principal) + 1800 TRX (Earnings) = 2000 TRX

Example Summary:Invest TRX 200 and earn 20 TRX daily for 90 days. After 90 days, the total earnings will be 1800 TRX, and the system will return your principal of TRX 200, making the total return TRX 2000.

TRX Investment Example #2

Initial Investment Amount: TRX 380

Daily Profit:70 TRX

Investment Duration:90 Days

Daily Earnings Calculation:Daily Profit * Number of Days = Total Earnings

Total Earnings:70 TRX * 90 Days = 6300 TRX

Total Return:TRX 380 (Principal) + 6300 TRX (Earnings) = 6680 TRX

Example Summary:Invest TRX 380 and earn 70 TRX daily for 90 days. After 90 days, the total earnings will be 6300 TRX, and the system will return your principal of TRX 380, making the total return TRX 6680.

TRX Investment Example #3

Initial Investment Amount: TRX 980

Daily Profit:190 TRX

Investment Duration:90 Days

Daily Earnings Calculation:Daily Profit * Number of Days = Total Earnings

Total Earnings:190 TRX * 90 Days = 17100 TRX

Total Return:TRX 980 (Principal) + 17100 TRX (Earnings) = 18080 TRX

Example Summary:Invest TRX 980 and earn 190 TRX daily for 90 days. After 90 days, the total earnings will be 17100 TRX, and the system will return your principal of TRX 980, making the total return TRX 18080.

TRX Investment Example #4

Initial Investment Amount: TRX 1680

Daily Profit:330 TRX

Investment Duration:90 Days

Daily Earnings Calculation:Daily Profit * Number of Days = Total Earnings

Total Earnings:330 TRX * 90 Days = 29700 TRX

Total Return:TRX 1680 (Principal) + 29700 TRX (Earnings) = 31380 TRX

Example Summary:Invest TRX 1680 and earn 330 TRX daily for 90 days. After 90 days, the total earnings will be 29700 TRX, and the system will return your principal of TRX 1680, making the total return TRX 31380.

TRX Investment Example #5

Initial Investment Amount: TRX 3440

Daily Profit:680 TRX

Investment Duration:90 Days

Daily Earnings Calculation:Daily Profit * Number of Days = Total Earnings

Total Earnings:680 TRX * 90 Days = 61200 TRX

Total Return:TRX 3440 (Principal) + 61200 TRX (Earnings) = 64640 TRX

Example Summary:Invest TRX 3440 and earn 680 TRX daily for 90 days. After 90 days, the total earnings will be 61200 TRX, and the system will return your principal of TRX 3440, making the total return TRX 64640.

TRX Investment Example #6

Initial Investment Amount: TRX 8440

Daily Profit:1680 TRX

Investment Duration:90 Days

Daily Earnings Calculation:Daily Profit * Number of Days = Total Earnings

Total Earnings:1680 TRX * 90 Days = 151200 TRX

Total Return:TRX 8440 (Principal) + 151200 TRX (Earnings) = 159640 TRX

Example Summary:Invest TRX 8440 and earn 1680 TRX daily for 90 days. After 90 days, the total earnings will be 151200 TRX, and the system will return your principal of TRX 8440, making the total return TRX 159640.

TRX Investment Example #7

Initial Investment Amount: TRX 14440

Daily Profit:2880 TRX

Investment Duration:90 Days

Daily Earnings Calculation:Daily Profit * Number of Days = Total Earnings

Total Earnings:2880 TRX * 90 Days = 259200 TRX

Total Return:TRX 14440 (Principal) + 259200 TRX (Earnings) = 273640 TRX

Example Summary:Invest TRX 14440 and earn 2880 TRX daily for 90 days. After 90 days, the total earnings will be 259200 TRX, and the system will return your principal of TRX 14440, making the total return TRX 273640.

TRX Investment Example #8

Initial Investment Amount: TRX 34440

Daily Profit:6880 TRX

Investment Duration:90 Days

Daily Earnings Calculation:Daily Profit * Number of Days = Total Earnings

Total Earnings:6880 TRX * 90 Days = 619200 TRX

Total Return:TRX 34440 (Principal) + 619200 TRX (Earnings) = 653640 TRX

Example Summary:Invest TRX 34440 and earn 6880 TRX daily for 90 days. After 90 days, the total earnings will be 619200 TRX, and the system will return your principal of TRX 34440, making the total return TRX 653640.

TRX Investment Example #9

Initial Investment Amount: TRX 68880

Daily Profit:13770 TRX

Investment Duration:90 Days

Daily Earnings Calculation:Daily Profit * Number of Days = Total Earnings

Total Earnings:13770 TRX * 90 Days = 1239300 TRX

Total Return:TRX 68880 (Principal) + 1239300 TRX (Earnings) = 1308180 TRX

Example Summary:Invest TRX 68880 and earn 13770 TRX daily for 90 days. After 90 days, the total earnings will be 1239300 TRX, and the system will return your principal of TRX 68880, making the total return TRX 1308180.

TRX Investment Example #10

Initial Investment Amount: TRX 98880

Daily Profit:19770 TRX

Investment Duration:90 Days

Daily Earnings Calculation:Daily Profit * Number of Days = Total Earnings

Total Earnings:19770 TRX * 90 Days = 1779300 TRX

Total Return:TRX 98880 (Principal) + 1779300 TRX (Earnings) = 1878180 TRX

Example Summary:Invest TRX 98880 and earn 19770 TRX daily for 90 days. After 90 days, the total earnings will be 1779300 TRX, and the system will return your principal of TRX 98880, making the total return TRX 1878180.

TRX Investment Example #11

Initial Investment Amount: TRX 148880

Daily Profit:26798 TRX

Investment Duration:90 Days

Daily Earnings Calculation:Daily Profit * Number of Days = Total Earnings

Total Earnings:26798 TRX * 90 Days = 2411820 TRX

Total Return:TRX 148880 (Principal) + 2411820 TRX (Earnings) = 2560700 TRX

Example Summary:Invest TRX 148880 and earn 26798 TRX daily for 90 days. After 90 days, the total earnings will be 2411820 TRX, and the system will return your principal of TRX 148880, making the total return TRX 2560700.

TRX Investment Example #12

Initial Investment Amount: TRX 199990

Daily Profit:37880 TRX

Investment Duration:90 Days

Daily Earnings Calculation:Daily Profit * Number of Days = Total Earnings

Total Earnings:37880 TRX * 90 Days = 3409200 TRX

Total Return:TRX 199990 (Principal) + 3409200 TRX (Earnings) = 3609190 TRX

Example Summary:Invest TRX 199990 and earn 37880 TRX daily for 90 days. After 90 days, the total earnings will be 3409200 TRX, and the system will return your principal of TRX 199990, making the total return TRX 3609190.

VIP Package Options

Every investor can buy the same or different VIP levels multiple times. Each new package represents a new investment opportunity, with a unique deal valid for 90 days.

Here’s how it works:

  • Multiple Purchases: You can buy multiple VIP packages at the same level or different levels. Each purchase will generate a new investment opportunity with its own benefits for a 90-day period.
  • New Deal for Each Package: Each VIP level purchased creates a fresh 90-day deal. For instance, if you purchase VIP1 and then VIP2, you’ll have two separate 90-day deals running concurrently, each with its own return schedule.

Example Explanation:

If you are currently invested in VIP3 with a daily profit of 190 TRX and you purchase an additional VIP3 package, your new investment will also benefit from the VIP3 tier's daily profit. Each investment package is handled individually but follows the same tier's daily profit schedule.